Sunday, March 8, 2015

Most of November

Alison is a diligent student of her siblings. She watches their every move, just waiting for the day she can everything they do. 

She started arming crawling the beginning of November, and hasn't slowed down since. Can you find the baby?  :-)

First taste of rice cereal. She thinks food is pretty great.  (Not that you can tell from her thighs or anything)

One morning we discovered the Disney station on Pandora. The kids pulled up chairs and proceeded to sit in front of the laptop fire a good half hour. I was wondering how long it'd take them to realize that the movie never does come on. 

First time sitting in a high chair! (At pizza ranch)

The weekend before Thanksgiving we took Bridget and Carter to the festival of lights parade. We got there way to early, and it was cold, so by the time the parade actually started we were kind of done with the whole thing. The kids did enjoy it, and the highlight was seeing the "real" Bat Man and his bat mobile. 
Alison got to stay warm and take an evening nap at grandma's. 

Ready to go play outside in one of the first snows. I prefer to stay inside in the warmth ñ and make hot chocolate when they come in. 

Finally able to sit up well enough to sit in the cart! It was a happy day for me! 

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