Monday, June 4, 2012

Landscaping before and after (a continuing post)

These are the before tearing out some of our landscaping, and after we finished for that day....there was more tearing out that occurred later, which will have to be a separate post.

 Front of the house before. We did take out the big landscaping blocks around the trees prior to taking these pictures, so you'll see them piled by the lamp post in a later picture.

 Side of the house before
 same side...different angle. We didn't touch the other side this day. 

 Same side, closer to the house.

Tearing out the front stoop...This took a lot of effort and time. It also attracted a large audience of neighbors. I guess it's not every day someone brings in a truck, trailer, bucket tractor, and jack hammer when you live in the middle of town.  :)

 took out the fat little Christmas tree looking bush on the corner of the house. 

 And these are the after pictures. And much to my chagrin, this is how our front stayed for the next almost 2 months. It's a little more cleaned up now. 

 More tearing out pictures to come!!

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