Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our first few days

We were worn out from our trip home from the hospital!
(and you can see my lovely broken blood vessels from pushing her out.)

So tiny in her crib! I had a hard time leaving her alone in her crib the first night, but we didn't have anywhere else to put her, so we didn't have a choice.

The second day home from the hospital, I woke up from a nap to find my daughter watching football. :)

Aunt Wendi comes over every few days just to snuggle.

My mom came over to help give Bridget her first bath. Despite how she looks in the picture, she really does like her bath. She just lays there and looks around. She also pees in the bath every time I stick her in there.

Chatting with daddy

Whenever we do tummy time, she gets her thumb in her mouth. And it's about the only time she gets it in there.

Her favorite place in sleep is on your chest. She'll sleep forever there, but HATES her crib.

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