Thursday, August 28, 2014


While perusing Hobby Lobby, I got bitten by the craft bug, and bought the things to make this wreath. It was the easiest thing, and only took about a half hour! 

Dress up at the Grimm's- He had no idea who iron man man is, but wad thrilled with the costume. 

"Dad, put Alison in here and I will pull her."

Smiley little girl keeping me company while I drink my coffee and attempt to wake up. She is generally a happy baby, but in the mornings her smile uses her whole body! 

Last Tuesday we went to my mom and dad's for Wendi's birthday. Carter loves it when Uncle Adam and Uncle Luke are home and willing to give motorcycle/4- wheeler rides. 

Singing "happy birthday."
Carter and Bridget with their favorite aunt on my side.  :-) They are excited for Wendi's baby to come out!

Alison turned 3 months! 

This child never stops moving! She was ask twisted around, trying to suck on the toy!
Blurry arms.  :-)

Cutting paper while Carter and Alison napped. This results in tiny confetti all over the floor, but she is entertained for hours doing this! 

I've been trying to figure out how to do two side braids all summer, and finally one of my cousins showed me how to do it. Doing hair is not one of my talents. 

Like I mentioned, Alison never stops moving and she gets around pretty good, by turning herself in circles and pushing with her feet. While I was in the kitchen she fussing in the living room, and I found her about 3 feet from her play mat, and half under the coffee table! 

Carter helped himself to an ice cream sandwich while I was putting Alison to sleep. "This is really yummy, mom" he told me. 

Watching a movie with his "glasses" on.  

Alison got turned around and was chewing on the leg of her play mat. She's been chewing on her hands and drooling a lot. I'm hoping this doesn't mean teeth are coming soon! 

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